Add a static file

File in /content/example/<page>.md

title: 'Test 1'
summary: 'Red One'
layout: <layout>

File in /layouts/_default/<layout>.html:

{{- define "main" }}
<div class="not-found" style="color:red">One</div>
{{- end }}{{/* end main */ -}}

Don’t forget to list it in the configuration:

name = "Example"
url = "exaample/"

Add raw HTML

{ { < rawhtml > } }

This is raw HTML

{ { < /rawhtml > } }

Center the frontface:

Add a CSS file to /assets/css/extended/<anything>.css with:

.first-entry {
text-align: center;


I just went with the default where you add a static/favicon-16x16.png , static/favicon-32x32.png and static/apple-touch-icon.png .