I was looking up some guides but they are rather outdated. This one used LabelIMG (now part of Label Studio).

Since pip failed to install it I decided to go with Docker and followed the guide to install it. Once that was done I could open Label Studio by running docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v label-studio/data heartexlabs/label-studio:latest.

Label Studio next to the terminal running it.

Note that the account will be forgotten.

Turns out that I had a ton of stopped containers and images, seen using docker ps -a and docker images which I removed by using docker rmi <IMAGE ID> and docker rm <CONRAINER ID>. No wonder my login was forgotten, I kept starting new ones!

After running docker run ... you should have a container listed in docker ps -a which you can start/stop with docker start/stop <CONTAINER ID>. This is quite a hassle for a single machine since Docker was made for clusters but it’s easy to learn.