Well, testing on a remote machine isn’t helping so I’ll use Jupyter Lab and run it locally.

Okay so the paths were incorrect in both the obj.data, traint.txt, test.txt and labels.txt, the last one appears to be ignoreed completely but let’s fix them.

!echo -e "classes = 1\ntrain = data/train.txt\nvalid = data/test.txt\nlabels = data/labels.txt\nnames = data/cars/classes.txt\nbackup = yolo-license-plates" > $DN/data/obj.data

!cd $DN; find data/cars/images/*.jpeg > $DN/data/train.txt
!cd $DN; find data/cars/images/*.jpeg | head -5 > $DN/data/test.txt

!mv $DN/data/cars/labels/*.txt $DN/data/cars/images
!cd $DN; find data/cars/images/*.txt > $DN/data/labels.txt

(I’m missing a way to say that train.txt should start at line 5) The last two lines were added since Darknet defaults to label files being next to the images and the labels.txt bering ignored.

To be continued.