So I was greatly slowed down by Google Colabs’ limitations but found out that setting AVX and OPENMP to 1 will make Darknet use the CPU, making it pointless to run a GPU runtime

I took the opportunity to correct the paths.

from google.colab import drive
drive.mount('/content/gdrive', force_remount=True)

root_dir = "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/Colab"
base_dir = root_dir + '/Cars'

Now everything will be in Google Drive.

DN = root_dir + "/darknet"
!git clone $DN # Makes a darknet folder

Remember to set it to GPU.


TARGET = DN + '/Makefile'

f = open(TARGET, 'r')
lines = ''
for line in f:
    if line.find('GPU=0') != -1:
        line = line.replace('GPU=0', 'GPU=1')
    if line.find('CUDNN=0') != -1:
       line = line.replace('CUDNN=0', 'CUDNN=1')
    if line.find('CUDNN_HALF=0') != -1:
       line = line.replace('CUDNN_HALF=0', 'CUDNN_HALF=1')
    if line.find('OPENCV=0') != -1:
        line = line.replace('OPENCV=0', 'OPENCV=1')
#    if line.find('AVX=0') != -1:
#        line = line.replace('AVX=0', 'AVX=1')
#    if line.find('OPENMP=0') != -1:
#        line = line.replace('OPENMP=0', 'OPENMP=1')
    lines += line

g = open(TARGET, 'w')

!cd $DN; make --silent; clear; echo "Darknet Compiled!"

And use variables instead of hard-coded paths.

!cp $DN/cfg/yolov3.cfg $DN/cfg/yolov3-train.cfg
TARGET = DN + '/cfg/yolov3-train.cfg'

f = open(TARGET, 'r')
lines = ''
for line in f:
    if line.find('batch=1') != -1:
        line = line.replace('batch=1', 'batch=64')
    if line.find('subdivisions=1') != -1:
        line = line.replace('subdivisions=1', 'subdivisions=16')
    if line.find('max_batches=500200') != -1:
        line = line.replace('max_batches=500200', 'max_batches=2000')
    if line.find('filters=255') != -1:
        line = line.replace('filters=255', 'filters=18')
    if line.find('classes=80') != -1:
        line = line.replace('classes=80', 'classes=1')
    lines += line
with open(TARGET, 'w') as f:

!mkdir "$OUTPUT"
!echo -e "classes = 1\ntrain = $DN/data/train.txt\nvalid = $DN/data/test.txt\nlabels = $DN/data/labels.txt\nnames = $DN/data/cars/classes.txt\nbackup = $OUTPUT" > $DN/data/

Finally run Darknet with the last weights.

!cd $DN; ./darknet detector -dont_show -map train "data/" "cfg/yolov3-train.cfg" "output/yolov3-train_last.weights"