It seems that Darknet was only using the CPU. So I searched a little and found this bug as well as another bug that says that we should add -gpus 0 and -i 0 to our call. respectivvely.

Adding that, we get:

!cd $DN; ./darknet detector -i 0 -dont_show -map train data/ cfg/yolov3-train.cfg backup/yolov3-train_last.weights -gpus 0

But what about the other options like AVX? If we can force Darknet to use the GPU we could add those back to the Makefile. right?


f = open(DN + '/Makefile', 'r')
lines = ''
for line in f:
    if line.find('GPU=0') != -1:
        line = line.replace('GPU=0', 'GPU=1')
    if line.find('CUDNN=0') != -1:
       line = line.replace('CUDNN=0', 'CUDNN=1')
    if line.find('CUDNN_HALF=0') != -1:
       line = line.replace('CUDNN_HALF=0', 'CUDNN_HALF=1')
    if line.find('OPENCV=0') != -1:
        line = line.replace('OPENCV=0', 'OPENCV=1')
    if line.find('AVX=0') != -1:
       line = line.replace('AVX=0', 'AVX=1')
    if line.find('OPENMP=0') != -1:
        line = line.replace('OPENMP=0', 'OPENMP=1')
    lines += line

g = open(DN + '/Makefile', 'w')

Unfortunately, it still created 6 permanent CPU threads, which makes me think that it only uses CPUs. How unfortunate.