Porting the Untitled Running Game is getting interesting since I know how the Godot Engine works, it’s a confortable editor as long as you know what you’re doing. Whike unfortunate that you’ll likely need to know GDScript it is for the best.

Am awesome thing that you can do in the Godot Engine is defining the script in runtime.

func initialize(entity : Node3D, script : Script, path : Array = []):
	# https://forum.godotengine.org/t/scripts-wont-work-after-being-attached-to-node-via-code/9633
	if entity.has_method('_ready'):
		entity._ready() # this is required to set non-exported default values
	entity.set_process(true) # if you have processing logic
	entity.set_physics_process(true) # if you have physics logic
	if entity.has_method('_input'):
	if entity.has_method('step'):
		entity.get_node('Timer').connect('timeout', entity.step)
	if len(path) > 0:
		entity.PATH = path

Of courae the scripts are teleporting the Player arround and don’t do physics.