I have tried many things but just can’t seem to get the Godot Engine to behave as expected. Models take too long to load so their IDs are a mess.
It’s annoying since the scene_replication demo works just fine but it breaks when I try to adapt it. Making it apparent that it is my fault somehow.
The constant mispressing is a massice handicap (due to typing directly on the laptops keyboard and accidentaly touching the touchpad).
Other htan that I made several versions of PartyCall but they all have their issues sdo I keep going back to the demo.
I’m moving a lot slower now. got a basic lounge working with clients occasionsally getting stuck (they don’t move despite rotating and animating). And vthankk goodness for the chat which just takes a RichTextLabel (to auto-slide down) and a LienEdit for input.
@rpc("any_peer") # required
func _on_line_edit_text_submitted(new_text, origin = true):
if len(new_text) < 1:
if origin:
var who = multiplayer.get_unique_id()
new_text = str(who) + ": " + new_text + "\n"
$Control/RichTextLabel.text += new_text
if origin: # only the original sender tells the peers
rpc("_on_line_edit_text_submitted", new_text, false)