Naev is a pretty nice open-source game, made with a mixture of C (it uses the SDL library) and Lua.

Anyway, the game is quite slow (the bigger the ship the slower) and it takes ages to get to the heavy stuff so I looked to cheat and found a page ,which is outdated, then I digged around and made my own list.


Naev codes Verified for version 0.11.5

Hit F2 to enter codes, Ctrl+V works.

You can also chain commands, split by space.

player.outfitAdd("Local System Map") player.refuel()



Make target invincible (use it on your interceptors)


Set Armor and Shield (Percentage)

player.pilot():setHealth(100, 100)

Set Energy (Percentage)






Get local map

player.outfitAdd("Local System Map")

Get full map

player.outfitAdd("Ultra Map")

Or learn Lua and hard-code it…

for _,S in pairs(system.getAll()) do S:setKnown(true, true) end

Teleport (does not work while landed)

player.teleport("Gamma Polaris") player.teleport("Halir") player.teleport("New Mars") player.teleport("Polaris Prime") player.teleport("Emperor's Fist")

player.teleport("Sol", true)

Visit Pirate Systems (!! and * means that you can’t land there)


player.teleport("New Haven")

The only way to reach the Debug System


Get money

Disable Target (stops after boarding)


Kill Target (“With great power comes great responsibility”)


Add outfit to player (default quantity is 1)

player.outfitAdd("Laser Cannon MK1", 2)

player.outfitAdd("Laser Turret MK1", 4)

An easy way to get rare outfits

player.outfitAdd("Antimatter Lance")

player.outfitAdd("Energy Harpoon", 2)

For bay slots (with an airplane) you can use docks or bays (hold the 6 key to use)

player.outfitAdd("Lancelot Bay", 2)

player.outfitAdd("Hyena Bay", 2)

Licenses (regardless of requirements)

player.outfitAdd("Medium Weapon License")

player.outfitAdd("Heavy Weapon License")

player.outfitAdd("Light Combat Vessel License")

player.outfitAdd("Medium Combat Vessel License")

player.outfitAdd("Heavy Combat Vessel License")

Accessories (you get these from some missions)

player.outfitAdd("Left Boot") player.outfitAdd("Love Letter") player.outfitAdd("Pilot Doll") player.outfitAdd("Satellite Mock-up") player.outfitAdd("Swamp Bombing") player.outfitAdd("Toy Drone") player.outfitAdd("Sandwich Holder") player.outfitAdd("Fuzzy Dice") player.outfitAdd("Cyborg Feather") player.outfitAdd("Broken Nebula Shielding Prototype") player.outfitAdd("Trading Card (Common)") player.outfitAdd("Trading Card (Uncommon)")

Flow abilities (your ship needs the appropriate Sirius equipment)

player.outfitAdd("Seeking Chakra") player.outfitAdd("Feather Drive") player.outfitAdd("Cleansing Flames") player.outfitAdd("Astral Projection") player.outfitAdd("Avatar of Sirichana") player.outfitAdd("Reality Rip") player.outfitAdd("House of Mirrors")

Or complete the challenge after contacting (Y) the Obelisk (not all exist)

player.teleport("Kal Atok Obelisk")

player.teleport("Kal Nuit Obelisk")

player.teleport("Kal Vora Obelisk")

player.teleport("Kal Maro Obelisk")

player.teleport("Kal Sitra Obelisk")

Get another ship (must be on a planet, swap in the Equipment tab)


player.shipAdd("Empire Peacemaker")

player.shipAdd("Ze'lek Diablo")

player.shipAdd("Sirius Divinity")

Add cargo to ship (capped by ships cargo)

player.pilot():cargoAdd("Therite", 1000)

player.pilot():cargoAdd("Kermite", 1000)

player.pilot():cargoAdd("Vixilium", 1000)

Set player’s standing with a faction (like/hate is respectively 100/-100)

faction.modPlayerRaw("Goddard", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Empire", 105) faction.modPlayerRaw("Soromid", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Sirius", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Za'lek", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Frontier", 190) faction.modPlayerRaw("Dvaered", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Traders Society", 100)


faction.modPlayerRaw("FLF", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Collective", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Raven Clan", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Wild Ones", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Dreamer Clan", 100) faction.modPlayerRaw("Black Lotus", 100)

Add Intrinaic Outfit (default quantity is 1)

player.pilot():outfitAddIntrinsic("Port & Polish")

You can see these in “Toggle Display”

player.pilot():outfitAddIntrinsic("Internal Flow Amplifier")

Discover systems, including neighbors (second true)

system.get("Qorel"):setKnown(true, true) system.get("Eneguoz"):setKnown(true, true) system.get("Uhriabi"):setKnown(true, true) system.get("Pas"):setKnown(true, true) system.get("Effetey"):setKnown(true, true)

Change chapter (Desn’t actually change things)


Set Fleet Capacity (You get 100 on Chapter 1)


Set pilot/ship limits (percentage)

player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "fbay_health", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "fbay_damage", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "fbay_capacity", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "fbay_rate", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "fbay_reload", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "cargo_mod", 300 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "fuel_mod", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "ew_jump_detect", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "ew_detect", 200 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "misc_hidden_jump_detect", 1 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "misc_instant_jump", 1 ) player.pilot():intrinsicSet( "misc_reverse_thrust", 1 )



You may find Liutenant Czesc in a (Spaceport) Bar and he’ll give long-distance missions and unlock new types of cargo missions. (some will require a standing of 15 with the Empire)


After doing 2 Liutenant Czesc missions you may find Commander Soldner in a (Spaceport) Bar at Gamma Polaris and he’ll give dangerous missions then unlock Heavy Weapon License and Heavy Combat Vessel License in some shops.


In chapter 1, after doing missions for Commander Soldner you may find Lt. Commander Dimitri at the Omega Enclave (in Fortitude), follow his missions then Commodore Keer will swap for him and tell you to crush the ESS Trinity (in Rockbed, get there through Fortitude -> Pontus -> Rockbed) then to join the battle on C-00. You will be able to buy Drones after.

player.teleport("Omega Enclave")


If you go to Eye of Night and investigate the distress signal (Ruined Station) you’ll get Flow abilities.

player.teleport("Eye of Night") player.pilot():setPos(, -21828) )

Then see Starring Fyrra in Traal and she’ll show you the location of the Kal Tok Obelisk (it’s in Ulysses), talk with it with Y and complete its puzzle to obtain the Seeking Chakra activated outfit.


Raven Clan

Do mission for Lucas and you’ll end up finding that you can accept missions for them in Shangris Station, located in Pas.

player.teleport("Shangris Station")

Wild Ones

Complete all missions in Minerva Station, located in Limbo. You’ll then be told to go to New Haven to get your reward.

player.teleport("Minerfa Station")

Most Factions

To go to Chapter 1 you need to sell Therite, Kermite and Vixilium to an Administrator near a construction site then leave the system.

To increase fleet capacity you can do the missions in Taioni found by exploring one of the derelict ships in Bastion.